Sound of an Eldorado
An Eldorado is defined as a wonderful land of abundance and delight.
Everyone has their own "delights", are depicted in this series mine.
The Music & the Ocean.
Everyone has their own "delights", are depicted in this series mine.
The Music & the Ocean.
In this series, these two themes are linked by an aesthetic and scientific approach.
The music is portrayed through an ingenious process by Ernst Chladni, reconstructed and
realized in order to obtain the shapes created by the vibrations of music with fine sand on a
metal plate.
The ocean is translated by its shells. Sentinels of the oceans, numerous, unique, each contains
a history and is necessary for the balance of our seas and its inhabitants.
When we approach the ear of these, we perceive a noise which is in fact the notes of our own
body, it is the blood circulating in our blood vessels, creating a regular reasoning in the shell.
The ear is partially isolated from outside noise thanks to the shell which acts as a barrier.
There is a strong relationship between music and the ocean, vibrations, immensity, protection,
and reflection.
The two come together both aesthetically and philosophically.